頁數(shù): 36頁
朱雀花園一期景觀綠化工程 施 工 組 織 設(shè) 計(jì) 編制單位 (蓋章 ): 目錄 一、編制依據(jù)及編制說明 .............................................................................................................................. 1 (一)編制依據(jù) ...................................................................................................................................... 1 (二)編制說明 ...............................................................
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頁數(shù): 38頁
In order to ensure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy gr owth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or minimize t he occurrence of safety acci de nts, follow t he "prevent, re scue each other, e nsure safety and re duce losses" pri nci ple, a ccording t o the local conditions, make the manag ement system. 1, t he pri ncipal is the re sponsibility of scho